Wednesday, May 13, 2009

take a bow

Move over two-toned Chanel tights, I've found the next best thing!

Bebaroque Dorothy tights

The fact that they can be worn with the bow to the front or the back is killing me.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

the war is over

When I was a teenager, I lived by the words of my first love: "Fashion over function." thoroughly, in fact, that I ended up getting heat stroke the summer of 2002. (What can I say, a giant hooded knit sweater despite a forecast of 100+° F was worth it at the time..)

Little did I know, fashion and function couuuuld *gasp* co-exist.

Prime example:


(On a sidenote, my besty is in dire need of this bag from a practical standpoint alone. So if you're reading this, Dani...)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

douchebags, etc.

Sorry for the absence; turns out there's a bit of baggage to sort through.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

HB to ME


The plan was to go shopping for two birthday gifts...
but then I made a quick little stop at the bookstore.

It's okay though. I did come out with two birthday gifts..

...for myself. =/

Friday, March 13, 2009

not creepy no matter WHAT you're thinking

Meet Deerman:

Birthday gift from my besty. =D

Thursday, March 12, 2009

second best

Considering this blog is really just a glorified wishlist..

oh HI.

(It's my birthday, I can do what I want.)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daylight Saving Time

DST tonight so why not showcase a few of my fave affordable clocks! (Hey, important things are for my other blogs!)

Joseph Joseph Ornate wall clock in black
$49.99 USD @; no longer available

Roman-tic (is that not the cutest name ever?!) by Karlsson
$19.99 USD @ Target or 3x the price various places online

don't know what it's called or if it's still for sale buuut..
$36 CDN at Urban Outfitters once upon a time

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yeah yeah, so I'm a sucker for a little lace in the boudoir.
On the walls though.. now that's something I'd never thought of..?

I think I like. Not in my room, however. We might be bordering on overkill. o_O

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Can't freakin' wait.


"The life of a designer is a life of fighting--fight against the ugliness, just like a doctor fights against disease. For us, visual disease is what we have around, and what we try to do is to cure it somehow, you know, with design."

- Massimo Vignelli in Helvetica

Sunday, February 22, 2009

conflict diamonds, if you will..

Here I thought I already owned the world's cutest S&P shakers (hello, a tiny candelabra!?) but now I'm not so sure.

See for yourself:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

more treats to feast (your eyes) upon

There's not a whole lot I love more than making fancy little appies, but I'm not gonna sugar-coat it: it kinda breaks the bank. Then again, even $60 for a few bites to eat is a little more palatable than $72 for four (albeit, adorable!) skewers. =/

Won't be seeing Luki Huber's Baroque Skewers on my plate any time soon...
my never-ending wish list, however: maybe. =P

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yay or Neigh

"You like horses," I was told the other day.

It's probably true. I mean, part of me even thinks this is cute:

Maybe not $4000 cute, but cute nonetheless.
I mean, in the right setting..



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

pardon my language

Now that that's off of my chest..
Blogging will continue as per usual shortly.

(Forget where I found above image, sorry.)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Forgive me, Father

I'm just going to go ahead and say that at this very moment, my.. favourite(?)... deadly sin is greed. And THIS is what I want:

...a collection of fragrant candles, each of which is said to evoke one of the seven deadly sins...

Is that really so bad??

...if not, here's your link:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

back to the basics

Anyone who has spent... any(?!).. amount of time with me is most likely aware of the fact that I CAN.. NOT... keep track of my pens. (Either that or I unwittingly chew them until they leak all over my white scrubs. On the job, no less.) Either way. I mean, really.. last year I went through 39 writing utensils in one semester. I'm telling you: it's bad.

That said, I do recall a time in 9th grade where I bought a Blink 182 pen, and because it was just that important, I got a good nine month's use out of it before I lost it.

Maybe I could do that again. I mean, for THIS little guy(?):

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Calling all friends and family!


Chanel Two-Tone Tights


Urban Outfitters Either Or Tights
$9.99 USD

You know, whichever pair you think I need/deserve.


Generally not a fan of sconces, but..

I could probably live with this one:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

it's all in the font (either that or the way it looks in my bookshelf..)

With three more books and a birthday on their way (hint!?), I'd say my collection is coming along QUITE nicely. Favourite so far? Package Design. Then again, how could it not be?! You'd be able to sell me a hot dog under the pretense it was a Daschund (if you really wanted to) so long as it had a nice bow around its neck... What can I say.. I'm visual! I mean, I even have Concrete Design on my wishlist these days. Now THAT's what I call good design...


ringing 2009 in right

I lost my AMT Bling Blink ring again last week.. the second one, that is. =/ And in the time between searching my apartment high and low (I won't admit to how many hours may or may not have been accumulated) and then finding it on the wide open floor just beneath my coffee table (how embarrassing?!) I entertained the thought of upgrading (downgrading?) to these little guys:

Cut from a stainless steel sheet, these seven ready-to-pop rings come complete with one small hand file... err, piece of sandpaper.. to round the edges once the ring has been removed. Call me crazy, but I think they're rather engaging. A $99 I would have been more than willing to spend had I not found my original. Maybe in a few months' time..

Monday, January 12, 2009

dreams come true

I can't tell you how many hours of my childhood (and now, even adulthood..) have been spent fantasizing about what it would be like to live in a world (or, at the very least, be guided through a series of rooms) where chandeliers sprouted from the floorboards and archways lent themselves to peculiar although altogether enchanting "forks in the road" (if you will). Well, Viktor & Rolf, you do not disappoint (you never do). It's every bit as magical as I imagined it to be from the very first time I pictured, upside down, our humble mobile home.. and then years later, that elaborate Catholic church.

A walk through this boutique, please? It's really all I have left to ask.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

not that I have ever even USED oil & vinegar, but...

For the past year or two I have had my eye on these double-walled cruets:

...but today I found this little gem for all of $1:

A pleasant alternative if you ask me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the things I find relevant...

coulda told you THAT!